Saurish Chakrabarty Physicist

Hello, this is Saurish Chakrabarty. I am a physicist and teach at Acharya Prafulla Chandra College. Welcome to my webpage. Below are links to some of my recent posts. Some information about me and my teaching and research interests can be found in the links below the header.

Recent Posts

Bose Statistics Centenary

Today, we organized a seminar at our college to celebrate the centenary of Bose statistics. This event was initiated and co-organized by the Bangiya Bijnan Parishad and the S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences. We had two invited talks – one by Dr. Debnarayan Jana from the University of Calcutta and the other by Dr. Manik Banik from the... Read more

Too Many Incomplete Posts

I have been inactive in posting to my website for the last eight months. There are too many incomplete posts with lecture notes. With my students, whenever required, I have been sharing handwritten notes (most of my students are unaware of my website). However, I usually discourage students from relying just on the lecture notes. Instead, I enco... Read more

Fluid properties

Equation of state For a given mass of fluid in thermodynamic equilibrium, the state is uniquely specified by the values of two parameters, e.g., the pressure and the temperature. Thus, there exists a relation connecting the pressure, the temperature and the density. \(f(p,\rho,T)=0.\) Such a relation is known as the equation of state of the flu... Read more

The Stress Tensor

Consider a tetrahedral volume element as shown in the figure below. It has three orthogonal faces areas $dA_1$, $dA_2$, and $dA_3$, and with normals $\hat{a}$, $\hat{c}$ and $\hat{g}$, respectively. (The symbols for the unit normals were chosen because I could not find a quick and easy way to write $\hat{b}$ while creating this figure. You can c... Read more

Lagrangian Formulation for Continuous Systems

Syllabus Lagrangian formulation of acoustic field in gases Hamiltonian formulation for continuous systems Canonical equations from a variational principle Poisson’s brackets and canonical field variables Basic Introduction In the first part of the course on classical mechanics, you have mainly studied problems where the focus is on a ... Read more